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Photo of Arte Contemporaneo Performance Art Mexico Mexico

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The work garment, and deranged Mario pattica Patio
Deca Kierkegaard, the anguish is the vertigo of freedom, came the anguish of philosopher dans opinion - when "in wanting to possess the spirit of synthesis, the freedom stares into the abyss of its own possibility and take hold of finiteness to sustain itself. " The synthesis that seeks the spirit is essentially static. But you will never get at all because it...

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Net Art/Digital Art
23.62 x 35.43 in
23.62 x 35.43 in
23.62 x 35.43 in
23.62 x 35.43 in
23.62 x 35.43 in
Net Art/Digital Art
23.62 x 35.43 in
23.62 x 35.43 in
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The work garment, and deranged Mario pattica Patio
Deca Kierkegaard, the anguish is the vertigo of freedom, came the anguish of philosopher dans opinion - when "in wanting to possess the spirit of synthesis, the freedom stares into the abyss of its own possibility and take hold of finiteness to sustain itself. " The synthesis that seeks the spirit is essentially static. But you will never get at all because it is an aesthetic search for the infinite which paradoxically is always a limit: his transgression produces art.
Mario Patio is one of those artists constantly impelled the transgression, but Posed by a harrowing lucidity. In ahque one of the most obvious characteristics of his art is the perennial dialog between the rational and the irrational. The way the dialog is more apparent is the constant contradiction of the figurative and abstract. It is an underground manifestacinms coexistence of two worlds: a supposedly real and the other quite pictorial.
The real world of Mario Patio is the world of pain, his pictorial world of the color. These are the key issues that the works, trying to grasp it in its historical perspective. Both pain as color are social phenomena in humans generate a certain behavior, sometimes conventional.
There is an order of the sentence as there is a chromatic order. But the former belongs to the realm of the marginal. In the penalty box Patio involves specific on the body, illness, physical violence, the andrognia, frustrated sex, stigmatized or maimed. The penalty is also culture. It is learned and passed on from father to son, man to man, the executioner to victim . The penalty becomes the cultural field of the displaced. This scope is often determined by the finonoma sicologay of an entire people. Maybe that's why the work has Patio been qualified, as he himself says, "to cloak, pattica and crazy" ..
I do not think they are bad qualifying. The penalty is a garment Determination (also as does the color), their meanings are certainly patticos and its expression is irrational.
I stop bashful about the possibility of using the terms surrealism. It is clear that the irrationality and absurdity that sometimes enseorean Patio boxes are not the result of a game with the conventions burgus of the real.
Mario Patio has known the vertigo of freedom. His obsessive nature, his commitment so intimate with the anguish of creation, and above all the anguish of living is making it one of the most powerful figures among the artists currently working in Hidalgo .

a blooming horizon.a rose.a burning dirty building.palms tipped to the sky.

this is just one of the Many Worlds created by artist mario skate, digital Whose works hint at the emotional evolution enabled by internet technologies. Between the borders while global cultures in Many Ways Have Been torn down by Widespread internet communication, Those on the net Psychological recount in Highly charged spaces. dog emotions while hint at the gestures, Movements and voices of Internet Communicators, There Is Often A Certain Their artifice to use. Understandable, seeing That Their Existence Gives away internet communication. reveal emotions That Are Often words alone not enough. the information revolution Provides us with a strange new world, a binary code viewed-through shimmering, non linear surfaces.

In skating's work, a sense of frustrated communication & introvertion is palpably passionate Express. A Certain cool remoteness Socially Atomised clings to historical figures. Their hands rise to the air evocating Possibility and loss. skate's figures stand at the crossroads of time. Towards a passionate eyes cocked past, Approaching ears tuned to the rumble of an Uncertain Future, looking Into the background of skating's works you'll see That the slate is bare.

Hinted in gesture and Reflected in landscape, mario skate's digital figures stand on the brink of a surreal new world: a promise, a remembrance, an emotional signpost.

Gay art, 3D, gay art, homoerotic, 3D Digital Art, Digital Art 3D

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